Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 19 – Biggest Regret

Day 19 – Biggest Regret

I have taken a Blog Challenge to blog daily for 30 days mostly about myself so that you and others can get to know me a bit better. Tell a friend about this month, or like and interact with me on my Facebook ministry page at

Je ne regret rien. That’s French for “I regret nothing.”

Life is difficult at times and life is glorious at times. Sometimes my actions are not the smartest choices but they happened and they have shaped my life and the lives of the people around me. I can’t hold things against myself and move in a forward direction. I focus on the cross of Christ not my sin. The God who redeemed my sins, is in the midst of redeeming all things and making them new. I would much rather watch and be a part of that beauty than to do anything else.

As Always thanks for your time and giving this a read. If you enjoyed it share it with friends, you can do so easily with one of the buttons below. I pray that you will embrace life in the Love and Grace offered to you through Jesus Christ, and that you will always remember Jeremiah 29:11.  – For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, Plans to Proper You and not for harm, Plans with Hope for the Future.

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