Thursday, August 15, 2013

Day 25 - Someone Who Fascinates Me

Day 25 – Someone Who Fascinates Me

I have taken a Blog Challenge to blog daily for 30 days mostly about myself so that you and others can get to know me a bit better. Tell a friend about this month, or like and interact with me on my Facebook ministry page at

George Wesley Fields – My Son
It is quite amazing to watch as this little human being, who is part me, discovers the world around him. Everything he finds fascinating I wonder why. Everything that makes him happy I want to give him. Everything that makes him sad I sympathize with. I never thought that I would hope for such small things as I do for him. I never thought that I would worry about such small things as I do for him. I want the absolute best for my son and I find his life extremely interesting.

I am so glad I get to watch you grow little man.

As Always thanks for your time and giving this a read. If you enjoyed it share it with friends, you can do so easily with one of the buttons below. I pray that you will embrace life in the Love and Grace offered to you through Jesus Christ, and that you will always remember Jeremiah 29:11.  – For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, Plans to Proper You and not for harm, Plans with Hope for the Future.

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