Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Michael Sam Got Drafted. Now I'm Nauseated. (maybe not for the reason you think)

This past weekend history was made. Michael Sam became the first openly gay football player to be drafted into the NFL.

I am a huge football fan. I listened to all 3 days of draft coverage on the local sports station and I loved every minute of it. I knew that Michael Sam got drafted by the St. Louis Rams in the 7th round the moment it happened. I didn’t think anything of it to be honest. I support equality. I work against misconceptions and mistreatment of all in the LGBT community.  But I found myself a bit nauseated while listening to the radio this morning.

And they were talking about Michael Sam…

Friday, May 2, 2014

3 Situations to Avoid Snapchat (Parents Pay Attention to #1)

Snapchat released an update today that now gives users the ability to send texts and to video chat all in their "Confidential" network that keeps the photos and now texts and videos from taking up the usable storage on your device. With the new update they will certainly increase their number of users and folks will find new reasons to sign up. Snapchat can have some advantages in certain environments; however I strongly discourage the use of Snapchat and similar apps like CyberDust specifically for the following people or situations.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Why Do I Write About Business Things As A Christian Blogger?

Simply Put, I write about business and money because the subjects have a profound impact on our spirituality and our church communities.

It has come to my attention that some people look disparagingly on the fact that I write about business things occasionally instead of purely writing about theological concepts. I have since shifted most of my writing about making money online to articles on and have held back my promoting of those articles. Now I have an increasing guilt about this subject, because if I am honest with myself business posts are just as important to my online ministry as a 3 Minute Theology about the incarnation. In fact, they may have a more practical and Wesleyan purpose than a purely spiritual article.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Holy Week Devotions - 2014

As we enter into this Holy Week I invite you to devotion. The Journey from Palm Sunday to Easter Morning is filled with emotional highs and lows. We go from a day of remembering and recognition that Christ is our King to shouting “Crucify Him!” in a matter of Days.

This Holy Week I ask that you would take 5 minutes each day to reflect and center yourself on the story of Christ. I have a set of devotionals for Holy Week, Monday to Sunday, which follows Adam Hamilton’s 24 hours that changed the world. I will be posting a link via Social Media each day to the appropriate devotional and invite you to share the link with your friends and followers. This blog post will be a quick place to look for the links to each day so that you can simply tell your friends to check out if you or they are not connected with me on Social Media.

*** These were written in 2011 ***

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